
《我欲为人 第四季》剧情介绍

美剧天堂提供影视作品我欲为人 第四季高清全集在线观看的影视全集网,最新美剧《我欲为人 第四季》全集作品的导演是Philip  John   ,由戴米恩·莫隆尼  迈克尔·索恰  勒诺拉·克里奇洛  拉塞尔·托维  艾丹·特纳  吉娜·布朗希尔  戴伦·伊万斯  安东尼·弗拉纳根  安德鲁·高尔  阿历克斯·杰宁斯  塔姆拉 卡瑞  马克·威廉姆斯  保罗·卡塞  西蒙·彭格利  Tom So  Louis Mahoney  Mali Harries  Sean Francis  主演,我欲为人 第四季在豆瓣的评分为5.0,本片由小编于2024-01-24 04:55更新,希望大家喜欢,可以把《我欲为人 第四季》推荐给你朋友,本作品的地址为 https://www.99juchang.com/movie/5040.html

《我欲为人 第四季》简介:

  Nina has been killed in a vampire attack and the gang now has to take care of baby Eve, whose werewolf heritage appears to have attracted the attention of vampire overlords known as the Old Ones. George dies while rescuing Eve, leaving her in the custody of Tom (who moves into Honolulu Heights) and Annie. Hal later turns up and becomes the new vampire at Honolulu Heights. Lawyer Nick Cutler, a vampire created by Hal in 1950, plans to expose werewolves as part of a larger plan involving a vampire conquest of Earth. Cutler tries to get Hal back to his old ways of drinking blood and eventually succeeds in breaking Hal down. The blood sends Hal into overdrive and he repulses Alex, whom he is dating, with his crude and unusual behaviour when they meet for a second date. Alex leaves angrily but is followed by one of Cutler's men. Meanwhile, Eve, from the future, reveals to Annie that in her future, most of humankind are dead or living in concentration camps and vampires now rule every inch of the world. Annie is shocked to learn that Hal is the ruthless leader of the new vampire revolution. To save the world, Eve asks Annie to kill her when she is a baby. Cutler reveals Alex's dead body drained of blood as revenge for Hal murdering his wife in similar fashion in 1950. Cutler then locks Hal up but Alex returns as a ghost and helps Hal escape. The Old Ones then arrive in Barry. To save the world Annie blows up Eve and The Old Ones, therefore saving the world, which is her unfinished business. The series ends with Hal, Alex and Tom living together in Honolulu Heights.


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